What a collaboration of community members coming together to support DEHV! Arlene Wren, a long time hospice volunteer, joined by her husband Mark Wren, the bee guru, donated gallons of their local honey to Lubec Brewing Co. in order to create a new beer as a fundraising idea for the hospice. Gale and McGinley, the owners of Lubec Brewing Co., created a delicious honey wheat ale using the donated honey and a magical beverage was the result.
On 2/15th, Gale and McGinley hosted a grand evening to introduce Honey Beer for Hospice where the Fremont Street String Band played to a rowdy crowd and the beer was copiously consumed and merriment abounded! There are rumors there was even table dancing by a talented gentleman who didn't even blink when patrons threw dollar bills at him. It all went to towards the monies for the hospice as did the tee shirt auction conducted by our intrepid hospice director, Barbara Barnett.
There are still kegs of Honey Beer for Hospice to be cracked open so please head down to Lubec Brewing Co. in Lubec, Maine to sample the delicious ale. Every keg opened means 100% of profits are donated to the hospice until it runs out. Gale and McGinley have a tasting room that is open daily from 2:00 to 5:00 so be sure to drop by for a pint.